Sun, 08 Aug 2004 01:49:04 -0500 Breaking News for VQPI - Vanquish Productions Inc



Vanquish Productions Inc. Merges with Success Direct TV

Last-Price : $0.03
3 to 5
Day-target: $0.25
Weeks-Target: $0.29
Vanquish Productions Inc. Releases Analyst Report  VQPI - BIG PROFITS EXPECTED IN THIS ONE !!!

The stock is expected to explode on 9th of August and the days after...


Significant short term trading profits in VQPI are being predicted, great news already issued by the company and big PR campaign on the way in the next few days.

Vanquish Productions Inc. recently announced the creation of a new reality show called "House of Rock." Hosted by The Fugees' Wyclef Jean, it's the first reality show describing firsthand the struggle that bands have when competing for a record contract from a major record label. Wyclef Jean had hit songs such as "Killing Me Softly" and "Ready or Not." Bands will compete against each other to see who will earn a coveted record contract and should be well received.

The television network market consists of advertiser spending on broadcast and cable networks. The U.S. will be the fastest-growing segment, with a compound annual increase of 7.5% in a market that already has over $1.4 trillion in yearly revenue.


How many times have you seen good stocks but you couldn't get your hands on them in the right moment? We are alerting you to a special company with a unique product that is set to be profiled by many newsletters in the next 5-10 days -- this is your chance to get in!


We Expect some strong demand for this stock in the near future!!!!!

Get on Board now and enjoy some great profits with VQPI


DALLAS, Aug 3, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Vanquish Productions Inc. (PinkSheets:VQPI) today announced their merger with Success Direct TV, LLC, a three-year-old full-service product distribution company that specializes in retail and direct response marketing. Success Direct manages all aspects of product marketing with revenues over $4,000,000 in 2003. Success Direct is on the verge of major expansion with potential due to increased worldwide distribution and manufacturing partners.

Success Direct TV, LLC has attained one of the most impressive distribution networks in the world. With partners in over 60 countries across 6 continents, Success Direct helps clients realize growth goals by leveraging its global distribution relationships. From the Pacific Rim to Europe to the United States and Latin America and more, Success Direct TV, LLC can give products to the best of class, worldwide distribution.

Vanquish Productions Inc. realizes this merger as a catapult for the Company to maintain consistent growth and quicken its pace to larger earnings and assets. Through diversification the Company will reduce risk and have the opportunity to see many more potential ventures to exploit for future growth.

Stay tuned for more Vanquish Productions Inc. announcements about new television shows now being developed.

How many times have you seen good stocks but you couldn't get your hands on them in the right moment? We are alerting you to a special company with a unique product that is set to be profiled by many newsletters in the next 5-10 days -- this is your chance to get in Monday for gains all week!

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