The FBI visit took place in November 2003. Here's an account:

The John Stewart piece excerpted an AP-TV clip taped on 
August 16 which was a supplement to an AP story about FBI
harassment of potential RNC protestors. 

AP, like ABC News, confused the unrelated November 
visit with the August RNC visits. What got their attention
were Cryptome's aerials and maps -- red-team exposure
of vulnerabilities around Madison Square Garden, and
our accusation of NYC security by obscurity. No feds or 
LEs have inquired about those obvious weaknesses.

During interviews we've tried to explain this but that
didn't mean shit to the interviewers who were looking for 
people to brand anarchists who had been smeared by FBI
visits. Why are you helping terrorists, they chant.

We had no contact with the Daily Show. And didn't use
the term anarchist in interviews although several interviewers
urged it.

We told one interviewer that anarchism was too mild for
our intention to undermine civilization, to rid the earth of
humanity, for the planet to shrivel into nothingness, to
accept that the desire to be god was a useless passion. 

Oh shit, he said, you're a Sartrean.

Merde, oui.

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