>From: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Nov 24, 2004 12:08 PM
>Subject: Re: Fallujah: Marine Eye-Witness Report

>James A Donald wrote...
>>And the problem with a civil war in Iraq is?

>And the answer is: 9/11 sucked.

>Oh wait, I guess I have to explain that. After the Soviets were pushed out 
>of Afghanistan the place became a veritable breeding ground for all sorts of 
>virulent strains of Islam, warlords, and so on. Iraq would likely denigrate 
>into the same, eventually launching similarly nice little activities.

Well, I'm sure glad we avoided having Iraq become a breeding ground for all 
sorts of virulent strains of Islam, warlords, etc.  Also that we avoided it 
a place that trains people in how to carry out effective guerrilla warfare 
US troops.  We sure dodged a bullet there....



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