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Information on fish names used in Australia, invitations to how to comment on proposed fish name changes and seafood labelling standards.

Are you using the correct fish names?

What are the correct standard names for fish and seafood in Australia? Go to the Fish Names Website to find out. The list is maintained by the Australian Fish Names Committee and identifies both Latin and standard names for the most common commercial species traded in Australia. Also see the fish names guides and resources later in this eNews.

Comment invited on fish name proposals

Comments are invited by 9 September 2005 on proposals being considered by the Fish Names Committee on 14 October 2005. Proposals are available for download from the Fish Names Website. Enquiries by email to Alan Snow at Seafood Services Australia.

FSANZ seeks views on strengthened Country of Origin Labelling Rules

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has announced that it has abandoned its ‘information on request’ approach to the country of origin labelling of food and is proposing a comprehensive package of measures to provide consumers with adequate information. A proposed food standard will make it mandatory to declare the country of origin on all packaged foods and, in a new provision, the standard has new requirements for the labelling of unpackaged fish, fruit, vegetables and nuts, whether fresh or processed. Comments are required by 5 September. Download copies of the FSANZ discussion paper on Country of Origin, the Country of Origin Labelling Q & A sheet and a Country of Origin PowerPoint Presentation from the FZANZ website. Comment are required by 5 September 2005.

Labeling critical factor in consumer decisions

The importance of labelling in informing consumer choices has been highlighted in a new market research study. More information..

One stop shop for fish name guides and resourses

Seafood Services Australia (SSA) is your one stop shop for guides and resources on standard fish names used in Australia. SSA’s Fish Names Website is the home of the Australian Fish Names List . which can be downloaded free. Other great fish names resources include the stunning set of three (3) Fishes of Australia wall posters which feature more than 150 commercially important species of seafood and the Australian Seafood Handbooks for Domestic and Imported Species which are comprehensive guides to almost 600 species of fish and seafood sold in Australia.