On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:09:05AM -0400, Wesley Craig wrote:
> On 26 Sep 2008, at 23:35, Rob Mueller wrote:
>>> Rob suggests an imapd.conf option to control the new sieve utf-7
>>> behavior discussed here:
>>> http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/2008-September/ 
>>> 029778.html
>>> Someone working on that?  Is there a bugzilla for it?
>> Not that I know of for both of those. I was basically hoping the horde 
>> people (who seem most interested in it) would do it.
> While I would support including such an option for 2.3.13, I'm not so  
> interested that I'd write it.  If it's going to be added, someone needs 
> to do it sooner rather than later.  Even better would be a tested upgrade 
> path for existing sieve scripts.  And obviously something in the release 
> notes about the change...

Bunch of whingers the lot of you.

Here you go...

It was pretty trivial - most of the time was finding the original
diff to see how it got enabled:



Option to enable utf8 folder names for "fileinto"

Just to shut up the whingers on the mailing list who
spent more time talking about this than it took to
code the damn thing.

utf8fileinto: 1

Gets the current behaviour (utf8 folder names in the
sieve script)

utf8fileinfo: 0

(or just don't include it) gets the old behaviour for
the happiness of the rest of the world.
Index: cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2/lib/imapoptions
--- cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2.orig/lib/imapoptions	2008-09-30 22:28:31.000000000 +1000
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2/lib/imapoptions	2008-09-30 22:32:07.000000000 +1000
@@ -1073,6 +1073,10 @@
    mailbox hierarchy.  The default is to use the netnews separator
    character '.'. */
+{ "utf8fileinto", 0, SWITCH }
+/* Use UTF8 folder names for the "fileinto" command in sieve
+   scripts if turned on.  Use modified UTF7 if turned off. */
 { "virtdomains", "off", ENUM("off", "userid", "on") }
 /* Enable virtual domain support.  If enabled, the user's domain will
    be determined by splitting a fully qualified userid at the last '@'
Index: cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2/sieve/sieve.y
--- cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2.orig/sieve/sieve.y	2008-09-30 22:28:23.000000000 +1000
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.3.12p2/sieve/sieve.y	2008-09-30 22:31:32.000000000 +1000
@@ -851,9 +851,14 @@
     if (ret) {
 	ret->u.f.copy = copy;
-	ret->u.f.folder = xmalloc(2 * strlen(folder) + 1);
-	UTF8_to_mUTF7(ret->u.f.folder, folder);
-	free(folder);
+	if (config_getswitch(IMAPOPT_UTF8FILEINTO)) {
+	    ret->u.f.folder = xmalloc(5 * strlen(folder) + 1);
+	    UTF8_to_mUTF7(ret->u.f.folder, folder);
+	    free(folder);
+	}
+	else {
+	    ret->u.f.folder = folder;
+	}
     return ret;

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