On 2012-01-30 20:42, Greg Banks wrote:
Georg, I notice there's a page about Z-Sync on the Kolab wiki. Do you
have any idea of the legal issues with the protocol?

It's obviously subject to all the general issues with patents.

Other than that, it's about as safe as anything will ever get with Microsoft or another of the IT behemoths, I'd say. As long as you make sure to stay within the Open Source / Free Software realm, that is.

We have indeed hooked up Z-Push to the Kolab server as one option to get data to the mobile. As you wrote in your later mail, Microsoft has offered it under a pledge [1] as part of its Workgroup Server Protocol Program (WSPP) [2] in response to the antitrust case in the European Union.

Our implementation is 100% Open Source / Free Software and distributed as such. We never dual-license it for commercial purposes. In fact we transferred Copyright in the Kolab backend to the Free Software Foundation Europe to ensure this part is Open Source in perpetuity.

So we're reasonably confident that we're within the bounds of the WSPP.

As to the question whether Microsoft's promise could be revoked or is reliable, that is a difficult question, of course. Our hope is that Microsoft will not want to enter into another costly legal battle with the Commission by going back on its assurances made in the antitrust proceedings.

In any case if they were to go back on it, we'd definitely increase the push for alternatives, which in fact we're already working on with low intensity.

In the end, this is a major design advantage of Kolab: Storage in IMAP means we get offline capable groupware clients easily once there is IMAP. All it takes is some connector into the local data store on the device, which libkolabxml [3] is going to make a lot easier to implement.

So yes, we have substantial interest in all technologies that make IMAP as fast, accessible and least-bandwidth as possible, including for mobiles, since this will allow replacing the quasi monopolistic protocol for this purposes that ActiveSync has become.

Best regards,

[1] http://www.microsoft.com/openspecifications/en/us/programs/other/interoperability-principles-patent-pledges/default.aspx [2] https://www.microsoft.com/openspecifications/en/us/programs/wspp/wspp-patent-pledges/default.aspx
[3] http://kolab.org/pipermail/kolab-format/2011-December/001569.html

Georg C. F. Greve
Chief Executive Officer

Kolab Systems AG
Zürich, Switzerland

e: gr...@kolabsys.com
t: +41 78 904 43 33
w: http://kolabsys.com

pgp: 86574ACA Georg C. F. Greve

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