For sure :)

Just having testing infrastructure that tests murder would go a long way
to avoiding that mess again.

The more I think about it, the more having the SAME mailboxes.db for
both local and remote data doesn't make sense. We should have a separate
central database that the mupdate_activate, etc write to. It can just be
a standalone SQL database, or a cluster database, or who cares... the
main thing is that only a few of the MBOXLIST commands need to care
(because they will return the remote information if needed)


On Sat, Mar 14, 2015, at 09:54 AM, Dave McMurtrie wrote:
> From my phone, so excuse brevity and top-posting, but Fastmail running
> murder would be a huge bonus. I not-so-fondly recall the intimate
> relationship I developed with gdb debugging murder issues when we
> upgraded from 2.3 to 2.4 :)
> Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: Bron Gondwana <>
Date:03/13/2015 6:50 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Cyrus Devel <>
Subject: What would it take for FastMail to run murder
> So I've been doing a lot of thinking about Cyrus clustering, with the
underlying question being "what would it take to make FastMail run a
murder". We've written a fair bit about our infrastructure - we use
nginx as a frontend proxy to direct traffic to backend servers, and have
no interdependencies between the backends, so that we can scale
indefinitely. With murder as it exists now, we would be pushing the
limits of the system already - particularly with the globally
distributed datacentres.
Why would FastMail consider running murder, given our existing
nice system?
a) we support folder sharing within businesses, so at the moment we are
limited by the size of a single slot. Some businesses already push
that limit.
b) it's good to dogfood the server we put so much work into.
Here are our deal-breaker requirements:
1) unified murder - we don't want to run both a frontend AND a backend
imapd process for every single connection. We already have nginx,
which is non-blocking, for the initial connection and auth handling.
2) no table scans - anything that requires a parse and ACL lookup for
every single row of mailboxes.db is going to be a non- starter when
you multiply the existing mailboxes.db size by hundreds.
3) no single-point-of-failure - having one mupdate master which can stop
the entire cluster working if it's offline, no thanks.
Thankfully, the state of the art in distributed databases has moved a
long way since mupdate was written. We'd have to at least change the
mupdate protocol anyway to handle newly added fields, so why not just do
away with it and have every server run a local node of a distributed
database protocol for its mailboxes.db.
Along with this, we need a reverse lookup for ACLs, so that any one user
doesn't ever need to scan the entire mailboxes.db. This might be hooked
into the distributed DB as well, or calculated locally on each node.
And that's pretty much it. There are some interesting factors around
replication, and I suspect the answer here is to have either multi-
value support or embed the backend name into the mailboxes.db key
(postfix) such that you wind up listing the same mailbox multiple
times. We already suppress duplicates in the LIST command, so all we
need then is logic for choosing the actual master. Rob N has done some
work with consul and etcd already at FastMail, and we would use either
that or a flag in the distributed DB to drive master choice for backend
connection purposes.
There are a bunch of "nice to have"s on top of this, but I think this
would be enough for us to convert our existing standalone servers over
to a murder.
Bron Gondwana

Bron Gondwana

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