Present: Bron, Ellie, Ken, Nic, Nicola,  Ken, Robert, Partha,  

Project Updates:
* libjanson to be made a hard dependency
* Event notifications to be compiled in
* [Proposal] Fuzz tests for Cyrus - Bron/RobS to figure out a plan

Team Updates:
* Bron
  + Fixed Issue 1976 (Got FETCH that is out of bounds)
  + Wrote up several issues that Partha will start working on

* Ellie
  + Working on security fixes for old releases.

* Ken
  + mobxevents support added.
  + A couple of fixes to bc_eval in sieve.

* Nic
  + Travelling last week.

* Nicola
  + In the middle of a massive restructuring of the developer and user

* Robert
  + Changes for get/set annotations made and pushed to master. 
  + Indexing based on attachment names for Xapian search(more testing
  needed perhaps)
  + This week, intend to simplify initialisation and cleanup functions

* Partha
  + Building and setting up dev environment with help from Bron and

Next meeting: Monday May 22, 12:00 UTC on or 
ask in IRC

  Partha Susarla

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