--On 13 March 2019 at 09:01:36 -0500 Nic Bernstein <n...@onlight.com> wrote:

It would help if you told us which flags/arguments you're running
reconstruct with.

Fair point - at this stage, I think I've tried everything - certainly "-G", "-R" - and just on it's own with no arguments, but the full 'path' to the specific mailbox.

Sebastian has suggested a complete lack of "cyrus.*" files may result in reconstruct ignoring the mailbox - which I'll test.

Also, deleting cyrus.header was probably not a good
idea.  If you want to recreate cyrus.index, remove that and run
reconstruct with the '-f' or '-x' flags, depending on the state of the
mailbox.  The cyrus.header file doesn't hold state, it's used to
distinguish Cyrus mailboxes from other directories.

Well, I was kind of clutching at straws at that point - and I did have a backup of the whole mailstore :)

However, what's probably going on here is that you have "|expunge_mode:|
delayed" set, and these hidden files are actually deleted/expunged, but
'expire' hasn't been run on the mailbox.

Yes - that could well be the case, but another reason for trying to get "reconstruct" to work is that expire thinks there's nothing to do in that mailbox either (and some of the files are years old).

A big part of the struggle is stuff line:

  reconstruct [blah]; echo $?

And nothing logged anywhere (screen, or syslog)...

I'll try just touching the cyrus.* files and running it - I'm also going to shut the server down out of hours (I'm pretty sure that mailbox is not open - but with the server shutdown I'm sure it will be).

As I said, some of the files date back years - so just trying to get to a point where either expire will sweep them away, or reconstruct will put them back 'in the mailbox' so at least clients can see them...

I'll try the above suggestions and get back with any updates.



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