On Wed, 13 Mar 2019, Karl Pielorz wrote:

I have a Cyrus 2.5.12 server running under FreeBSD. The other day I found thousands of files in an old mailbox.

The client can't see any of them - so I thought "Ok, I'll reconstruct the mailbox"

Reconstruct runs, and returns instantly - but the client still can't see the files.

Are the files on disk owned by user 'cyrus' or are they owned by root?

As a last ditch "fix it or kill it" - I removed the cyrus.header and cyrus.index files from that folder.

reconstruct will create them if they don't exist.

I expected reconstruct to rebuild them - based on the thousands of "xxxx." files in that folder - but it didn't. It just returns instantly, and no cyrus. files are created.

That is what you should expect. reconstruct will tell you about each file it finds.



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