Craig Citro, 25.08.2010 10:00:
> It is with *great* pleasure that I email to announce the release of
> Cython version 0.13!

Yay! :)

>   * bool is no longer a valid type name by default. The problem is that
> it's not clear whether bool should refer to the Python type or the C++
> type, and expecting one and finding the other has already led to
> several hard-to-find bugs. Both types are available for importing: you
> can use from cpython cimport bool for the Python bool type, and from
> libcpp cimport bool for the C++ type.

Reading this, I noticed that cimporting 'bool' will break valid Python code 
like "bool(some_pyvalue)". However, given that the Python 'bool' type is so 
rarely used as a type declaration (mostly because Python's boolean coercion 
features are much too powerful to restrict values to True/False), I don't 
think this will pose problems in real life.

I'm really happy that 0.13 is out there just the way it is.

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