
Like every - not Corona - year, I'm ON THE ROAD AGAIN and the motto for my 
motorcycle ride is GOING EAST BY HEADING WEST. No, I won't be discovering a new 
continent, but we will certainly get some interesting travel impressions. 
"East" means Galicia, Transcarpathia and maybe even beyond. "West" means ..., 
stay tuned and let me surprise you!

Unlike one of Jonathan Franzen's protagonists in his "Corrections", I am 
convinced that we will discover much more in that Eastern European region where 
so many of our ancestors originally came from:

„She traveled as far east as Ruthenia, the birthplace of Enid’s father’s 
parents, now a trans-Carpathian smidgen of the Ukraine. In the landscapes she 
traversed there was no trace of shtetl. No Jews to speak of in any but the 
largest cities. Everything as durably, drably Gentile as she’d reconciled 
herself to being. The food, by and large, was coarse. The Carpathian highlands, 
everywhere scarred with the stab wounds of coal and pitchblende mining, looked 
suitable for burying lime-sprinkled bodies in mass graves. Denise saw faces 
that resembled her own, but they were closed and prematurely weathered, not a 
word of English in their eyes. She had no roots. This was not her country.“

Edgar Hauster [iPad]
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