On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:35 AM, AW <debian.list.trac...@1024bits.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2014 21:25:37 +0200
> Erwan David <er...@rail.eu.org> wrote:
>  > it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep a debian without systemd.
> $man systemd
> ....
> For compatibility with SysV, if systemd is called as init and a PID that is 
> not
> 1, it will execute telinit and pass all command line arguments unmodified. 
> That
> means init and telinit are mostly equivalent when invoked from normal login
> sessions. See telinit(8) for more information.
> ...
>     --system, --user
> For --system, tell systemd to run a system instance, even if the process ID is
> not 1, i.e. systemd is not run as init process.
> ...
> You can definitely install systemd and sysvinit side-by-side.  It may be a bit
> of work on the user's part, but I do believe your claim is 'busted'
> Although, I haven't tried.  Give it go, and let us all know.
> --Andrew

You can't even read what you are replying to?

"Without" does not mean "with, but sysvinit in pretend control".

Without means without.

Are you a sockpuppet arguing ironically? If so, which side do you
support? Microsoft?

Follow-ups, if any, on off-topic, please.

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
because you are your own worst enemy.

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