Spiritual Power of Tariqah Mawlana Syaikh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani Lefke, Cyprus
Bismillah hirRohman nirRohim Moulana Sheikh takes great pains to send the message to the world that the Naqshbandi Tariqa is the only Tariqa with spiritual power today. Moulana says that he is not doing this in order to create fitna or dissension among the Tariqas . He is doing this so that people will be aware of the realities of Tariqas today and to make people to reach to the Divine Presence by following the correct way. For the last 40 to 50 years all other Tariqas have stopped giving spiritual power to their mureeds. Spiritual power is only given presently through the Naqshabandi Tariqa. These are facts and Moulana Sheikh Nazim has been ordered to tell this to the world. It is like after the advent of Prophet Muhammad (SAL) it is not possible to follow the previous Prophets because that power has been made to cease. In the same way it is the Divine Will that during theses times and during the time of Mahdi (alai ) only the Naqshabandi Tariqa has been authorized to dispense spiritual power. We are told that Mahdi (alai), his 99 Kaliphas and the 313 high powered saints are all Naqshbandi saints. As this statement that the Naqshabandi Tariqa is the only Tariqa that has spiritual power today is very difficult to accept particularly by sheikhs and mureeds of other Tariqas, Moulana Sheikh Nazim asks them to put this to the Ultimate Test. Moulana Sheikh Nazim is asking those sheiks to ask the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sal) himself as to whether this state of affairs is true. If these sheiks are true sheiks they should have access the Prophet (sal). So it is easy for them to find out the truth of this statement. On the other hand if they do not have access to the Prophet (sal) then obviously they do not have the spiritual power. Moulana Sheik Nazim has been often questioned as to the whether mureeds can change their masters and join the Naqshabandi Tariqa. To this too Moulana answers by saying that all the saints have a consensus today that it is the Naqshbandi Tariqa that should be followed. Regarding more details on this topic pls read the following lectures and sorbets of Moulana Sheikh Nazim 1. The Naqshabandi Way http://www.sheiknaz im2.com/Naqshaba ndiway.html 2. The Naqshabandi Power http://www.sheiknaz im2.com/naqshaba ndipower. html 3. Changing of the masters http://www.sheiknaz im2.com/changing ofthemasters. html Wa min Allah at Tawfiq Dapatkan kutipan-kutipan ucapan Mawlana Syekh Nazhim al-Haqqani qs, Mawlana Syekh Hisyam Kabbani qs, dan para Grandsyekh Tarekat Naqsybandi melalui SMS BERLANGGANAN. Caranya: Ketik REG HISYAM Kirim ke 3949. Anda akan mendapatkan 2 SMS per hari dengan tarif Rp. 2000/SMS. 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DVD TITLE : MONITORING MURID ACTIVITIES PRICE : Rp. 25.000,- CONTENT : Ceramah Pengawasan Mursyid terhadap Murid, Dzikir Khatam Kwajagan TITLE DVD : NAQSHBANDI HAQQANI RABBANI WHIRLING DERVISHES, TOMANG ZAWIYAH PRICE : Rp. 50.000 ( ISI 2 DVD ) WHIRLING DERVISHES DI LEFKE, CYPRUS TURKI, KEDIAMAN SULTHANUL AWLIYA MAWLANA SYAIKH NAZIM ADIL AL-HAQQANI TITLE : SYAIKH NAZIM HOUSE & WHIRLING DERVISHES ISI : Kegiatan sehari-hari Mawlana Syaikh Nazim, Dzikir dan Whirling Dervishes. Rumah beliau, Ceramah, Sholat dan tanya jawab murid dan Mursyid. 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