> def _openDialog(self,evt):
>                 # need to receive the evt (in this case a click or Hit)
>                 evt.stop()
>                 theDialog=dabo.ui.dFileDialog(self)
>                 theDialog.show()
>                 if sys.platform == 'win32':
>                         myseperator = "\\"  # someone should post why I
> needed two slashes
>                 else:
>                         myseperator = "/"

You get the backslash simply this way:
>>>   r'\' # this a raw Python string

In a "normal" Python string, the backslash starts a control character like
\n for newline or \t for tabulator - and \\ for backslash.

But just use os.sep instead of that myseparator distinction. Python does
that for you!
(I.e. os.sep is \ on Windows, / on Unices, : on MacOS Classic and maybe
something other on VMS...)

> Run our form or any Dabo form and type a "control-d" (might be something
> different for the Mac).

Every "Control" is a "Command" on the Mac, i.e. "Cmd-D" instead of "Ctrl-D".
(Mac keyboards also have a Ctrl key, but that' seldom used at all and then
mostly for accessing additional characters.)


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