On Tuesday 04 December 2007 07:18:39 am Nate Lowrie wrote:
> >
> It's not being lazy by any means.  It is just being more productive. 8)
Is that what you tell your employer ;-)
> Note here that you can write this as:
> Vsizer.append(dabo.ui.dButton(self, Caption='Button'),1,'x')
> or
> Vsizer.append(dabo.ui.dButton(self, Caption='Button'),'x',1)
> Dabo will automatically switch the arguments if you have them in the
> wrong order.
> Note that OnHit is generally the controls main event.  On a button
> that means when it is pressed.  On a list control it is when a list
> item is selected.  On a dTextBox it is when you enter text and hit the
> enter key.  It is a convenient thing to know.  If you need specific
> events, for instance on mouse over, then you can bind them with
> bindEvent.  However, only the Hit event may be bound from the control
> instantiation.

That's very good point - it can become confusing for newbie's.  But when we 
get into bizobjects we'll set a few more properties and hopefully you will 
again expand on what is said.  
> I also want to let you in on another trick if you use RegIDs...
> Let's take the line
> "hs.append(dabo.ui.dButton(self,RegID="selectButton",Caption=
> "...",0)"
> Since you declared a RegID, the Hit event is automatically bound to a
> method on the form called onHit_selectButton.  You can do this with
> other events too I do believe.  If the methods aren't present, no big
> deal, but if they are they will be called.  Note they have to reside
> in the form class.  Saves some code but can be very confusing if you
> don't know what is going on.
OK now I'm learning something - I did not know I could do that!!!!!
> Why the evt.stop()?
Actually, Ed brought that up too.  First why not stop it - I don't need it any 
longer?  The history - Larry and I were tracing a problem one day and 
discovered that the evt was firing a method.  I don't recall which method 
(maybe Larry does).   I do recall that I thought it was the right thing to 
happen but was interfering with our debuging.  So I decided that I should 
stop any event after it did it job.
> On one last note, I think that you should make the dTextBox read only.
>  Coming from a correct code standpoint, if the users are entering the
> dTextBox value through the dFileDialog, you should never want them to
> type in the dTextBox directly.  Makes error checking easier because
> you only have to check for NULL and if the file is still there.  I am
> nit-picking, but it makes for good code.
> Cheers,
> Nate L.

Your right!  I'll add it for the next installment.

John Fabiani

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