johnf wrote:
> On Sunday 30 November 2008 01:16:36 pm Paul McNett wrote:
>> johnf wrote:
>>> I have a few questions concerning the ReportDesigner and the related
>>> output. I have 17 text fields that need to be part of a report (don't ask
>>> why 17 not my idea).  When I add the text fields how does the report
>>> writer determine how to expand to meet the size requirements?  Is there a
>>> setting like in VFP?
>> First, I believe by "text field" you mean a "string object". You can have
>> as many string objects in your report as you need. You size them by setting
>> properties, such as Width, Height, and FontSize. Combining this with the
>> Align property ("left", "center", or "right") you should get close to what
>> you need as far as layout goes.
> sorry I mean a postgres text data type.  I think mysql calls them BLOB or 
> TEXT.  A VFP memo. 

Ok, an rfxml paragraph.

>>> In the part 1 of the screencast it was suggested that the printing of a
>>> field could use a boolean to determine if printing was required.  Could
>>> someone explain how I can determine if a text field contains data and how
>>> to tell the report writer not to print or to print the field.  While
>>> playing I discovered Record.textField = Null still attempted to print.
>> You set the Show property of the String object to an expression like:
>> "len(self.Record.last_name.strip()) > 0". This gets evaluated at runtime,
>> so in this case if there's data in the last_name field, that data will
>> print. Else, it won't. Of course, in this case it doesn't matter to set the
>> Show field because a blank is a blank in any case.
> True blank is blank.  But what about the label for the field.  Again I was 
> making a ref to text data type field.  Most of the time it's value is Null.  
> Does 'None' apply?

For the label for the field, you'd set the Show property like I suggested. 
NULL is equivalent to Python None. None evaluates to boolean False in Python...

>> You'll probably find that the report writer is smart enough in this regard,
>> but you can handle this with report groups, mostly like it works in VFP.
>> Add a group on an expression like "self.Record.invoice_num". Now you can
>> choose things like whether to reprint the group header on the next page,
>> etc.
> Hope so.  Let me play a little more by providing more data.  But I still want 
> to know what happens with the text data types.

"what happens with the text data types": that is a pretty vague question!


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