On Monday 01 December 2008 08:10:04 am Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2008, at 10:05 AM, johnf wrote:
> > I must have done something wrong in my editor because yesterday I
> > did not
> > find "paragraph" in the rfxml file.
>       From Paul's first response:
> "If you need more than one line of output from the String object, such
> as an invoice
> description that can wrap to multiple lines, there's a 'paragraph
> object' that can do
> that for you, but as of now it isn't available for placement by the
> ReportDesigner.
> You can see an example of the Paragraph object in the invoice sample
> from the old
> dabodemo:
> http://svn.dabodev.com/dabodemo/trunk/reports/";
> -- Ed Leafe

I did read his response.  But yesterday I could not find where the 
word 'paragraph' existed.  It was not in the rfxml file nor in the 
ReportDesigner.  Today however I downloaded the file again and there it was.  
I'm at a lost but I think yesterday I opened the file with the 
ReportDesigner.  I haven't checked but I wonder if it removed the entry.  I 
doubt it but I'm sure the file did not contain the word 'paragraph'.  I'm 
moving on.  I need a way to print 17 memo fields on a report and only if the 
memo field contains data (along with a labels of course).

John Fabiani

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