On Mar 3, 2009, at 4:20 PM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:

> I've been using dabo's editor today and there are a couple of things  
> I'd
> like to request/know how to set.
> I'd like to be able to choose between converting tabs to spaces or  
> not,
> and how many spaces to a tab, the editor has 2 by default and I'm more
> comfortable with 4, and I always use conversion from tabs to spaces (I
> think is the recommended setting in.... PEP8(?))

<warning... entering land mine area...>

        I am very familiar with PEP8, and follow most of it, but it is a  
guideline, and I happen to strongly disagree with the choice of  
spaces. IMO, the arguments against tabs are blown out of proportion;  
I've used tabs in Python since day 1 and have never run into a problem  
with them. But I'm not interested in starting another tabs vs. spaces  
holy war; Dabo uses tabs by default.

        If you want to use a spaces-based editor, there are plenty available,  
and they work well. I can't see investing more time into our editor  
for something that already exists elsewhere, especially when there is  
so much more work to do that actually makes a difference.

-- Ed Leafe

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