Uwe Grauer schrieb:
> Sibylle Koczian wrote:
>> Hello,

>> I'm using a temporary cursor, like this, in a method of my bizobj:
>>     def nextMach(self, neubemerk=None):
>>         idst = self.getFieldVal('idst')
>>         gemacht = self.Record.gemacht
>>         crs = self.getTempCursor()
>>         try:
>>             crs.execute('EXECUTE PROCEDURE sp_naechstesmal(?, ?, ?)',
>>                         (idst, gemacht, neubemerk))
> params=(idst, gemacht, neubemerk)
> crs.execute(sqlstr, params)

Same thing - as you wrote in your next post.

>> Database is Firebird, and I suppose the transaction simply has to be
>> committed. Is dBizobj.commitTransaction() the right method or is there a
>> separate commit method for the temporary cursor? And do I need
>> dBizobj.startTransaction() first?
>> And is a temporary cursor the right way?
>> Suppose the database has stored procedures for all inserts, updates,
>> deletes. How to use that with a Dabo bizobj, which doesn't let me define
>> my own insert, update, delete statements?
>> Thank you,
>> Sibylle
> Firebird needs transactions (even for selects)!

Yes, I know. This is a Dabo problem, not a Firebird problem: what's the
bizobj doing anyway and what have I got to do myself?

> In order to get you going i just show how i use a userdefined bizobj method:
> class MyBizobj(dabo.biz.dBizobj):
> ....
>     def deleteCurrentRecord(self, startTransaction=True):
>         cursor = self._CurrentCursor
>         isTransactionManager = False
>         if startTransaction:
>             isTransactionManager = self._getTransactionToken()
>             if isTransactionManager:
>                 cursor.beginTransaction()
>         try:
>             self.delete(startTransaction=False)
>             if isTransactionManager:
>                 cursor.commitTransaction()
>                 self._releaseTransactionToken()
>             all_ok = 1
>         except dException.DBQueryException, e:
>             if isTransactionManager:
>                 cursor.rollbackTransaction()
>                 self._releaseTransactionToken()
>             raise dException.DBQueryException, e
>         except StandardError, e:
>             if isTransactionManager:
>                 cursor.rollbackTransaction()
>                 self._releaseTransactionToken()
>             raise StandardError, e
> Instead of calling self.delete(startTransaction=False) you will need to
> call execute for your stored proc.
> It will work for a tempCursor and for the normal cursor, but i would use
> a tempCursor.

Execute doesn't take a parameter startTransaction, so I suppose I need
beginTransaction() and commitTransaction() (or rollbackTransaction()),

With your example I hope I get this going.

Thank you,

Sibylle Koczian

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