Sibylle Koczian wrote:
> "johnf" <> schrieb:
>> On Friday 17 April 2009 08:08:57 am Sibylle Koczian wrote:
>>> Additional question: the procedure I'm executing with the temporary
>>> cursor is executable, not selectable, so it doesn't return data. Would
>>> using the existing cursor wipe out the current dataset even in that
>>> case? At the moment I call requery() after executing the procedure,
>>> because I need the newly inserted data in my bizobj.
>> No - a temp cursor is independent of the bizobj that created it.  So 
>> newTempCursor = self.PrimaryBizObj.getTempCursor() is completely independent 
>> of the primary bizobj.
> Yes - but I want to know something else: what happens to my existing
> dataset, if I execute a stored procedure (executable, not selectable)
> with the execute method of the bizobj, not with a temporary cursor? 

The cursor holds any available resultset of the sql statement used.
The connection which can have multiple active cursors (result sets)
is the owner of the current transaction.
If you want to execute a executable stored procedure you want to use
a tempCursor of your bizobj.
If you would use the normal cursor, you might destroy your current
dataset. If this stored procedure changes your underlying data you would
have to requery the bizobj.


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