Sibylle Koczian wrote:
> Uwe Grauer schrieb:
>> The cursor holds any available resultset of the sql statement used.
>> The connection which can have multiple active cursors (result sets)
>> is the owner of the current transaction.
>> If you want to execute a executable stored procedure you want to use
>> a tempCursor of your bizobj.
>> If you would use the normal cursor, you might destroy your current
>> dataset. If this stored procedure changes your underlying data you would
>> have to requery the bizobj.
> You're quite right. And even if the current dataset might survive, it
> wouldn't be useful: it wouldn't know anything about the effects of the
> procedure on the data. So requerying is necessary in any case. I had
> vague thoughts of doing without that.
> Now suppose my database is or should be _only_ accessed via stored
> procedures for inserting, updating, deleting. A Dabo application for
> such a database would mean overwriting new(), save(), delete(), right?
> Thank you,
> Sibylle

If would mean overwriting new(), save(), delete() of your bizobj.


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