Uwe Grauer schreef:
> freek verstringe wrote:
>> yes it is
>> johnf schreef:
>>> On Wednesday 22 April 2009 12:31:57 pm freek verstringe wrote:
>>>> Hmm, actually I was trying to prefill with the last defined in database
>>>> and then adding 1 to the id...
>>> is this an auto-incremment type field?
> class MyBizobj(dabo.biz.dBizobj):
>     def initProperties(self):
>         self.DataSource = "MYTABLE"
>         self.KeyField = "regprod"
>         # (field_alias, field_type, pk, table_name, field_name, field_scale)
>         self.DataStructure = (
>             ("regprod", "N", True, "MYTABLE", "regprod"),
>             ("f1", "M", False, "MYTABLE", "f1"),
>             ...
>             )
>         #self.DefaultValues[''] = 
>         self.Encoding = 'UTF-8'
>     def afterInit(self):
>         self.DataSource = "MYTABLE"
>         self.KeyField = "regprod"
>         self.addFrom("MYTABLE")
>         self.addField("regprod")
>         self.addField("f1")
> If you define your bizobj sililar to the above, Dabo will fille the pk
> for you. Of cause you will have to define your table DDL accordingly
> as a autoincrement pk.
> BTW: Please do not top post as it makes reading harder.
> Uwe
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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