On May 1, 2009, at 11:37 PM, Paul McNett wrote:

> Okay, revision 5100 appears wrong. It sets the Encoding to the  
> database's DEFAULT
> character set, not necessarily the character set of the table (or  
> field) in question.


        It sets the character set of the *connection* to the database's  
default charset. You cannot set this on a per-table or per-field  
basis; you only get one per connection. If you don't specify this, you  
get the default charset of the *dbapi adapter*.

        Let's say you connect to a MySQL database that is 100% utf-8 encoded.  
If you don't specify a charset for the MySQLdb connection, it will  
default to latin-1, and all your non-ASCII data will be garbled. If  
you have a database with several encodings, you need to change the  
charset of the connection to match your current requirement. Some  
adapters (kinterbasdb) do not allow this; you have to create a  
separate connection.

        I would also strongly suggest that employing multiple encodings in a  
database is a bad idea, and that multiple encodings within a table is  
a horrendous one.

-- Ed Leafe

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