I have classic grid that contains a list of payments made on account.  The 
grid is populated from the bizobj payments which is a child of the client.

I need the subtotal and the balance.  Total amt - subtotal = balance

The bizobj has

I now have to sum(amt_rec) where fk_client = somePkOfClient.

VirtualFields = {"subtotal": self.getSubTotal}

def getSubTotal(self):
  tempCur.execute("Select sum(amt_rec) as totalrec from payments where 
fk_client = %s" % client_pkid)
  return tempCur.Record.totalrec

"subtotal" has the correct figure.

Can I use "subtotal" in the next virtual field?

def getBalance(self):
  return total - self.subtotal

What is the correct way to handle this?

John Fabiani
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