> Yes, you can use the results of virtual fields in other virtual fields. You
> may just call getSubTotal() directly though.
> > What is the correct way to handle this?
> Be aware that the virtual fields will calc every time the grid asks for a
> refresh.
> Paul

This is what I ended doing (thanks to Larry's help).  I'm not sure this is the 
correct way to handle the problem.  But I knew I wanted to keep everything in 
the bizobj (don't want violate one of Ed's rules - don't mix UI and Bizobjs).  
But I am concerned that the order of the calls is important and maybe timing.  
Although, I have not seen any issues.  If anyone see anything negative about 
my way - Please let me know.

I added two attributes for the child bizobj (_totalrec, _balance).  I then 
used one virtual field and one method to set the values correctly.

In the child table that contains all of my recieved payments.  I did the 

def InitProperties(self):
  self._totalrec = 0
  self._balance = 0

def gettotalRec(self):
        tempCur = self.getTempCursor()
        tempCur.execute("Select sum(amt_rec) as totalrec from escoursepayments 
where fk_enroll = %s" % self.MainForm.esenroll.Record.pkid)
            myret = tempCur.Record.totalrec
            self._totalrec = myret
            self._balance = self.Parent.Record.course_cost - myret
            myret = 0
            self._totalrec = myret
            self._balance = self.Parent.Record.course_cost
        return myret
    def getBalance(self):
            myret = self._balance
            myret = 0
        return myret

On the Form I have the following:

hs.append(dabo.ui.dLabel(self,Caption='Total Rec'), halign="right")
        hs.append(dabo.ui.dLabel(self,Caption='Balance'), halign="right")

The first DataField (totalrec) uses the virtual field.  And the second field 
uses a DataSource method (getBalance) to retrieve the data.

John Fabiani
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