Carey Gagnon wrote:
> John, thanks so much! I knew there had to be a simpler way. Ihad already
> successfully created the drop downlist it was getting it populated without a
> db look up that I was having an issue with. Now it is populating and
> correctly saving everything to the database.
> Still one issue however. I am now getting the following error shown in the
> terminal window (I'm running linux) This is only a partial trace back:
> File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dabo/ui/uiwx/",
> line 356, in _setStringValue
>     raise ValueError(_("String must be present in the choices."))
> ValueError: String must be present in the choices.
> Any ideas?

Could you please post the entire traceback? I just changed this behavior 
yesterday (raising a ValueError instead of just outputting the message 
to the log).


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