John wrote:
> On Thursday 16 July 2009 11:52:26 am Mike Mabey wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a question about manually setting the value of a dCheckBox.  It
>> doesn't specify in the API
>> Documentation<
>> x.dCheckBox.html#Properties_Value>whether this property is read/write at
>> runtime or not, though I assume it
>> is, just like all the other data controls.  In my app, I have been unable
>> to set this property at all, and I was wondering if there's something I
>> should know concerning setting this particular property.
>> In case you need more detail about my specific project, I'm running Win
>> Vista with Python 2.5.4 with Dabo r5279.  I've developed this app in the
>> ClassDesigner.  I'm trying to set the value in the afterInitAll() method of
>> dForm with a 1 or 0 for True/False, but never reflects the given value and
>> doesn't give an error.  It wouldn't make sense to try binding this field to
>> a data set since there's no associated database, just a configuration file
>> I wrote myself with values in it for each of the data controls.
>> Any help would be very appreciated,
> Show us the code that sets the value.  Make sure you are using "Value" and 
> not 'value'.   Also make sure you haven't set the 'UserThreeState'.  

I just ran this test, which worked:

   1 import dabo
   2 dabo.ui.loadUI("wx")
   4 app = dabo.dApp(MainFormClass=None)
   5 app.setup()
   7 frm = dabo.ui.dForm(None)
   8 cb = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(frm, Size=(120,20))
  10 cb.Value = 1
  11 print cb.Value
  12 app.start()

Note how setting cb.Value to an int cast it to a bool.


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