Ed Leafe wrote:
>     I think that we shouldn't code to exceptions. The only reason 
> that  the call to activeControlValid() was needed is because of the 
> order of  event firing didn't match what we needed. Most of the time, 
> though, it  works just fine.
>     I also don't think that controls on a form should know about PKs,  
> datasets, and the like. They should at most call a form method to  
> handle their being clicked or typed in or whatever. They shouldn't  
> have to know that their node contains a PK and that when they are  
> clicked they need to talk to a bizobj, etc. They should simply call a  
> form method in their handler, and let the form take it from there.
I would argue that that works reasonably well for Data Aware controls.  
However, I am using the TreeView as a Data Control because of it's 
nested hierarchy.  It is perfect for things like projects/tasks and 
parts/assemblies because I can create a tree structure representation 
from flat data.  To do this, I needed to be able to update the bizobj 
current field pointer when a new node was selected, so I went with an 
implementation specific solution that required the PK to be a field 
called "ID".  It is definitely not the best way.

How do you update the bizobj current record within a dGrid object?  
Maybe I could model off of that and create a generic data aware TreeView 



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