On Sep 14, 2009, at 7:46 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:

> DBQueryException: pymssqlCnx instance has no attribute 'errmsg'

        Hmmm... that message is passed on to the connection object, but there  
is no such method in that class.

        Can you open your copy of pymssql.py, and find this section of code:

290     ##### Added by EGL for Dabo, 2006.12.28
291     # These methods simply pass the request through to
292     # the actual connection.
293     def connected(self):
294             return self.__cnx.connected()
295     def errmsg(self):
296             return self.__cnx.errmsg()
297     def fetch_array(self):
298             return self.__cnx.fetch_array()

        Try commenting out lines 295 and 296 (the errmsg method), and let me  
know if that changes anything.

-- Ed Leafe

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