On 02/02/2011 11:01 AM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> Hi Uwe,
> On 26/01/2011 16:13, Uwe Grauer wrote:
>> I commited your changes with rev 6347.
> A belated thanks.
> Just noticed this in firebird.db:
>              elif ftype == "varying":
>                  if r["rdb$field_length"] > 64:
>                      ft = "M"
>                  else:
>                      ft = "C"
> In a utf-8 encoded database this means that varchar larger then 16 
> characters will be defined as a "M" field.
> What about using "rdb$character_length" instead - see exchange with 
> Helen on FbSupport?
> Werner

Sorry Werner,

i have no clue why varchar fields are either "C" or "M". I never had any
problems with this. Must be really old code.

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