>> there is a Windows Binary for 32-bit Python 2.5 (wxPython2.9-win32-py25)
 >> - would this be the one to download and install ?

(reply from Paul McNett)

 >No, you should download and install wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-py26

 >You should first install Python 2.6.x.

 >I'd recommend installing Python 2.7.x and 
wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-py27 but I
 >haven't tested this configuration yet.

Ah ... it's a start-again job, then (as at today, the Windows 
installation instructions on wiki.dabodev.com/InstallationOnWindows 
still say to use Python 2.5 or 2.4)

Thanks for the help, Paul. I'll get going on uninstalling & reinstalling 
as & when work etc permits.

-- Pete
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