I continue to get strange errors from 2.7. openSUSE 11.4, wxPython 
latest Dabo.

Here's a new one 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/johnf/dabo/dabo/ui/uiwx/dPageFrameMixin.py", line 47, in 
AttributeError: 'InfoPanel' object has no attribute '_saveLastActiveControl'

The code associated:

class PageTabs(dabo.ui.dPageFrame):

    def beforePageChange(self,old, new):
        if self.Form.EditMode == True:
            dabo.ui.dMessageBox.stop(parent = self.Form, message ='Please 
release edit mode before moving to the next tab.')
                #self.Form.notifyUser("Please release edit mode before moving 
to the next tab")
            return False

I believe beforePageChange is a hook method.  All I'm trying to do is prevent 
the user from moving to a new tab while in EditMode.

Of course I do NOT see this error in 2.6.5


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