On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:22 PM, Ximo Nadal wrote:

> "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/dabo/lib/propertyHelperMixin.py", 
> line 
> 200, in _setProps
>     propRef = eval("self.__class__.%s" % prop)
>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
> AttributeError: type object 'dForm_99270' has no attribute 'HomeDirectory'
> Something is going wrong with the directory in pycon_hours but I can't 
> find out what is it.

        Actually, that's a different bug that has nothing to do with the 
directory. There is a property for the form that is in the cdxml file that 
shouldn't be there. Open up that file in any text editor, and look for the tag 
(near the top) beginning with '<dForm '. There are several attributes in that 
tag; one of them is 'HomeDirectory'. Delete that attribute and its value, save, 
and try running the app again.


        <dForm Name="dForm" Caption="Billable Hours" 
HomeDirectory="/home/ed/apps/pycon_hours" SaveRestorePosition="False" ... >

Change to:
        <dForm Name="dForm" Caption="Billable Hours" 
SaveRestorePosition="False" ... >

-- Ed Leafe

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