On Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:09:45 pm Vineet Deodhar wrote:
> >> Another query in this regard -- How do I get all the records from 'dist'

> ============================
> Here do you mean to say that -
> "do not define any FK relation in bizoj; and handle all the DML stuff
> externally" ? ============================
Yes - as it applies to gaining access to the same table a second time.

> ============================
> This looks like the thing I was looking for.
> In my web-form, for displaying the entire contents from 'dist' table, I can
> use a tmpCursor. When a user selects a particular 'dist' record for making
> changes, filter will be set to the concerned 'statid' in 'distBizObj'. The
> CRUD form will make changes in 'distBizObj' (which can take care of the
> CRUD operations).
> Is this approach correct?
> Pl. tell me if anything is fishy in it?
> ============================

What I provided will allow access to any table.  It is a general way to 
exercise any SQL statement.  IOW's it does not use Dabo special tools to 
access data.

But you have me confused.  

As I understand your needs you have a simple parent->child relationship. Where 
'dist' is a child of 'stat'.  So when you say you want to display all the 
records in 'dist' unfiltered I don't understand the reason.  Maybe you do not 
realize that it is possible to display all the filtered records at once?

I will make this up but I believe it is a typical situation that presents it's 
self to programmers daily.  You have a parent  (lets say 'stat') table and you 
have a child ('dist') table.  This relates to other parent->child relationship 
i.e Customers -> orders.

With Dabo you would setup the relationship just like we have already done.  
Next you would create two grids,  Grid1 would contain the list of parents 
(stat) and Grid2 would contain the filtered records of the child (dist).

As you move to different rows in Grid1 the records will automatically change 
in Grid2 to match whatever row (record) is in Grid1.

I realize in your case you are not using Dabo's UI but the data still does the 
same thing (as above).  So all that would be required would for you to 
retrieve the data to display - is to move the record pointer in the parent 
(stat) and automatically the child (dist) record/s will come available for you 
to display.  You would display data using your javascript or the use of your 
wsgi system.


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