Hi, I'm trying to write a sort of mini-framework that will let me 
create many small, similar GUI apps in a streamlined way.  (These apps 
are actually psycholinguistic experiments -- i.e., experiment subjects 
sit down and use the app and it records responses for them for 

        In so doing, I'd like to be able to pass information into the main 
form class for my app.  For instance, I'd like to be able to pass it a 
list of dPanel subclasses which it will automatically organized into a 
sequence that is stepped through as users progress through the 
experiment.  I found an old post (http://old.nabble.com/Passing-
parameters-td9522965.html) which describes a means of passing 
information to a newly-constructed GUI object.  However, I can't see how 
to do this for the main form of the app, because I don't instantiate 
that class directly.  I just do:

app = dabo.dApp()
app.MainFormClass = MyForm

        How can I add information to tweak this?  I'd like to be able to do 
something like:

app = dabo.dApp(MainFormClass=MyForm, projectName="Some project", 
datafile="some file", etc="and so on")

        I could of course just add data to MyForm by doing

MyForm.projectName = "Some project"
MyForm.datafile = "some file"
MyForm.etc = "and so on"

        . . . before starting the app, but that seems rather hackish to me.  
What is the right way in Dabo to specify "extra" information that is 
needed when starting an app or instantiating a control?

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail."
        --author unknown

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