On 1/22/12 9:46 PM, OKB (not okblacke) wrote:
>       I realized that the info I want to pass in doesn't necessarily have
> to be on the form class.  In particular, I'm fine with it being handled
> by the dApp instance.  There doesn't seem to be any way to pass
> parameters in at App creation time either, though.  So what I did was
> subclass dApp and override __init__ so it accepts additional arguments.
> I get the sense from postings on this list that overriding __init__ on
> Dabo classes is a bit dicey, though (hence the existence of afterInit
> and such methods).
>       This seems to meet my needs for now, although I'd be interested to
> hear if this is thought to be the wrong way to do it.

dApp, being a descendent of dObject, has built in to it the feature to pass as 
arguments during construction values of properties. Personally, I like the idea 
the appdev defining the extra properties they want, and then the values can be 
at instantiation time.

But if you are more comfortable catching the arguments yourself and assigning 
them as 
needed, that is fine, too.


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