On 2/6/12 5:01 PM, Ian Simcock wrote:
> I'm still a bit confused. The code snippet Jacek posted sets the
> UIAppClass to the UIApplication class which is defines in the snippet as
> a subclass of "dabo.ui.uiApp". When I look at the API docs at
> "http://paul.dabodev.com/doc/api/dabodoc/dabo.ui.uiwx.uiApp.uiApp.html";
> I see not mention of FilterEvents or SetCallFilterEvents.

FilterEvents and SetCallFilterEvents are members of wx.App, inherited by 

> How do they get there? Are they being added to the Application object in
> the background by the UI system because it sees it's WX, or is there
> some inheritance I'm not seeing or what.

It gets multiply-inherited from wx.App in line 111 of 

111 class uiApp(dObject, wx.App):

> Sorry if it's a silly question. I've only ever written a couple of small
> python programs, and none of the using Dabo yet, so I could be easily
> missing something.

Not a problem at all. Dabo has a lot of redirections and layers that makes it 
confusing to understand. While we could have done so, we didn't want to pull in 
wx layer into our auto-generated api docs because it would have added way too 
noise. If FilterEvents() is useful, what we should do is make a dabo wrapper 
for it 
(and document that).


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