On Mar 6, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Paul McNett wrote:

> It probably depends on how easy it is to refactor your class. In vfp it was a 
> pita to change what class an instance was based on, and frequently the 
> behavior of the base classes just wasn't ideal and the only way to override 
> was to subclass. These concerns still exist in dabo but to a much lesser 
> degree. 

        The only reason I can see for this is if you need a distinct behavior 
for some particular class in your application. E.g., you want all textboxes to 
use a certain font, or have forms with a blue base panel, etc. In those cases, 
you would just make a subclass that had that behavior, and then use that 
subclass in your app. 

-- Ed Leafe

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