Over the years, I've had occasional need for laying out a control left-aligned, 
another control right-aligned, in the same horizontal sizer. I know there are 
lots of 
ways to do this but I finally figured out how to do it succinctly with a normal 

vs = self.Sizer  ## vertical sizer in the form, panel, or whatever
left_control = dabo.ui.dCheckBox(self, Caption="left-aligned")
right_control = dabo.ui.dButton(self, Caption="right-aligned")
hs = dabo.ui.dSizer("h")
hs.appendSpacer(0, 1)  ## proportion=1
self.Sizer.append(hs, "expand")

Simply append a horizontal spacer and set its proportion to 1 to tell it to 
take all 
remaining available space. I guess I'd missed that spacers could have 
proportion set.

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