On 12/05/2012 05:28 PM, John Fabiani wrote:
I realize that this bit of info is late and I'm sorry - have you considered using pyODBC? I have used it in the past and others have posted special setups to allow the use of ODBC. It requires hand coding a connection file and creating a new dbODBC.py in dabo/db. I have posted my solution and I believe two others posted their ODBC solutions on this list. Unfortunately I can't find my solution or I would post it. But I know it has been posted and I believe you should be able to find it in the archives.

I used pyodbc to import 54 gigs of data into Postgres without any issues.


On 12/05/2012 05:01 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
Unfortunately Dabo ate the original exception so it's impossible to know what the
callstack is making it hard to pinpoint. Do this:

1) edit dabo/dabo/db/dCursorMixin.py
2) search for "error fetching records", there should be 1 occurence at about line 414.
3) go up to about line 407 (the 'except Exception, e:' line)
4) right after that line, indent 3 tabs and type "raise" without the quotes
5) save
6) now run your script and you should see a full stacktrace now. Post that.


On 12/5/12 4:17 PM, Carey Gagnon wrote:
Anyone? This doesn't seem to be a pymssql problem as it works fine on it's
own. Once Dabo is involved I get the error:
Error fetching records: (<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>, local
variable 'row' referenced before assignment)

There are several references to the variable row (row = blahblah..) in
dCursorMixin.py, 14 to be exact, but I don't know enough about python to do
much about it.

Can anyone help please?


On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Carey Gagnon <careydeangag...@gmail.com>wrote:

That was pretty much the full traceback Ed, but here's the entire

C:\src\dabo\lib\SimpleCrypt.py:52: UserWarning: WARNING: SimpleCrypt is
not secu
re. Please see http://wiki.dabodev.com/SimpleCrypt for more information
   warnings.warn("WARNING: SimpleCrypt is not secure. Please see
dev.com/SimpleCrypt for more information")
2012-12-03 19:14:37 - ERROR - Error fetching records: (<type
'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>, local variable 'row' referenced before


On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Ed Leafe <ed.le...@rackspace.com> wrote:

On Dec 3, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Carey Gagnon <careydeangag...@gmail.com>

Then I run the appwizard (all installed Dabo components at revision
It connects to the database but doesn't show tables or anything
the following error:
Error fetching records: (<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>, local
variable 'row' referenced before assignment)

Is this a Dabo error or a pymssql error?
Could you post the full traceback? That will show where the error

-- Ed Leafe

Ok I found an early version of the required file. Of course had to hard code the connection DSN but beyond that I believe it's straight forward. I'm going out of town so I won't be around to help in a timely manner. Beyond the files below I haven't used it for about 6 months and do not recall all the in's and outs. But I do recall that it worked very well and access was fast.

This is how to call a connection file:

    def createBizobjs(self):

        self.ms_conn = self.Application.getConnectionByName("conn_odbc")
        self.pg_conn = self.Application.getConnectionByName("apiconn")

Here is a sample connection file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<connectiondefs xmlns="http://www.dabodev.com";
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.dabodev.com conn.xsd"
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "http://dabodev.com/schema/conn.xsd";>

    <connection dbtype="ODBC">


below is "dbOdbc.py"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from dabo.dLocalize import _
from dBackend import dBackend
from dabo.lib.utils import ustr

class ODBC(dBackend):
    """Class providing Microsoft SQL Server connectivity. Uses pyodbc."""
    def __init__(self):

        self.dbModuleName = "pyodbc"
        self.useTransactions = True  # this does not appear to be required
        import pyodbc

    def getConnection(self, connectInfo, forceCreate=False, **kwargs):
The pyodbc module requires the connection be created for the FreeTDS libraries first. Therefore, the
        DSN is really the name of the connection for FreeTDS ::

          __init__(self, dsn, user, passwd, database = None, strip = 0)

        import pyodbc

        port = ustr(connectInfo.Port)
        if not port or port == "None":
            port = 1433
        host = "%s:%s" % (connectInfo.Host, port)
        user = connectInfo.User
        password = connectInfo.revealPW()
        database = connectInfo.Database
connect_str = '''DRIVER={SQL Server}; SERVER=; DATABASE=dean; UID=sa; PWD=master'''

        # hack to make this work.  I am sure there is a better way.
        self.database = database

        self._connection = pyodbc.connect(connect_str, **kwargs)
        class Cursor:
        #Class property /not/ per instance.
            connection = self._connection
            def __init__(self,*arg,**kwargs):
                self._realcursor = self.__class__.connection.cursor()

            #Handle exceute different -as must be a member of the class
            # as well as the instance.
            def execute(self,sql,*params):
                return self._realcursor.execute(sql,params)
            def fetchone(self):
                return list(self._realcursor.fetchone())
            def fetchall(self):
                return map(list,self._realcursor.fetchall())
            def fetachmany(self):
                return map(list,self._realcursor.fetchmany())
            #Forward items and attribute to our real obj.
            def __getattr__(self,attrnm):
                #Shouldn't happen but prevent infinte recursion if it does.
                if attrnm == "_realcursor":
                    return None
                return getattr(self._realcursor,attrnm)
            def __setattr__(self,attrnm,v):
                if attrnm == "_realcursor":

            def __delattr__(self,attrnm):
                return delattr(self._realcursor,attrnm)

        self._cursorclass = Cursor
        return self._connection

    def getDictCursorClass(self):
        """Currently this is not working completely"""

        return self._cursorclass

        #if pyodbc.__version__ >= "2.0.0":
            #class ConCursor(pyodbc.Cursor):
            #def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
## pyodbc requires an additional param to its __init__() method
                #kwargs["as_dict"] = True
                #super(ConCursor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            #class ConCursor(pyodbc.pyodbcCursor):
            #def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
## pyodbc requires an additional param to its __init__() method
                #kwargs["as_dict"] = True
                #super(ConCursor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            #if not hasattr(pyodbc.pyodbcCursor, "connection"):
                #def _getconn(self):
                #return self._source
## pyodbc doesn't supply this optional dbapi attribute, so create it here.
                #connection = property(_getconn, None, None)

        #return ConCursor

    def escQuote(self, val):
        # escape backslashes and single quotes, and
        # wrap the result in single quotes
        sl = "\\"
        qt = "\'"
        return qt + val.replace(sl, sl+sl).replace(qt, sl+qt) + qt

    def formatDateTime(self, val):
        """We need to wrap the value in quotes."""
        sqt = "'"        # single quote
        val = ustr(val)
        return "%s%s%s" % (sqt, val, sqt)

    def getTables(self, cursor, includeSystemTables=False):
        dbName = self.database

        sql = """
select table_name
 where table_catalog = '%(db)s'
   and table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
 order by table_name """

        cursor.execute(sql % {'db':dbName})

        rs = cursor.getDataSet()
        tables = [x["table_name"] for x in rs]
        tables = tuple(tables)

        return tables

    def getTableRecordCount(self, tableName, cursor):
cursor.execute("select count(*) as ncount from '%(tablename)'" % tableName)
        return cursor.getDataSet()[0]["ncount"]

    def _fieldTypeNativeToDabo(self, nativeType):
        converts the results of
        to a dabo datatype.

        # todo: break out the dict into a constant defined somewhere
        # todo: make a formal definition of the dabo datatypes.
        # (at least document them)

            ret = {
                "BINARY": "I",
                "BIT": "I",
                "BIGINT": "G",
                "BLOB": "M",
                "CHAR": "C",
                "DATE": "D",
                "DATETIME": "T",
                "DECIMAL": "N",
"DOUBLE": "G", ## G maps to Long (INT), but this could be wrong if it is supposed to be a double float.
                "ENUM": "C",
                "FLOAT": "F",
                "GEOMETRY": "?",
                "INT": "I",
                "IMAGE": "?",
                "INTERVAL": "?",
                "LONG": "G",
                "LONGBLOB": "M",
                "LONGTEXT": "M",
                "MEDIUMBLOB": "M",
                "MEDIUMINT": "I",
                "MEDIUMTEXT": "M",
                "MONEY": "F",
                "NEWDATE": "?",
                "NCHAR": "C",
                "NTEXT": "M",
                "NUMERIC": "N",
                "NVARCHAR": "C",
                "NULL": "?",
                "SET": "?",
                "SHORT": "I",
                "SMALLINT": "I",
                "STRING": "C",
                "TEXT": "M",
                "TIME": "?",
                "TIMESTAMP": "T",
                "TINY": "I",
                "TINYINT": "I",
                "TINYBLOB": "M",
                "TINYTEXT": "M",
                "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER": "?",
                "VARBINARY": "I",
                "VARCHAR": "C",
                "VAR_STRING": "C",
                "YEAR": "?"}[nativeType.upper()]
        except KeyError:
            print 'KeyError:', nativeType
            ret = '?'
        return ret

    def getFields(self, tableName, cursor):
        Returns the list of fields of the passed table
        field: ( fieldname, dabo data type, key )
        # fairly standard way of getting column settings
        # this may be standard enough to put in the super class
        dbName = self.database

        sql = """
 where table_catalog = '%(db)s'
   and table_name = '%(table)s'
 order by ORDINAL_POSITION """

        cursor.execute(sql % {'table': tableName, 'db': dbName})
        fieldDefs = cursor.getDataSet()

        sql = """
  from information_schema.Constraint_Column_Usage CCU
  join information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC
   and TC.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = '%(db)s'
   and TC.Table_Name = '%(table)s' """

        cursor.execute(sql % {'table': tableName, 'db': dbName})
        pkFields = cursor.getDataSet()

        fields = []
        for r in fieldDefs:
            name = r["COLUMN_NAME"]
            ft = self._fieldTypeNativeToDabo(r["DATA_TYPE"])
            pk = (name,) in [(p["COLUMN_NAME"], ) for p in pkFields]
            fields.append((name, ft, pk))

        return tuple(fields)

    def noResultsOnSave(self):
        Most backends will return a non-zero number if there are updates.
        Some do not, so this will have to be customized in those cases.

    def noResultsOnDelete(self):
        Most backends will return a non-zero number if there are deletions.
        Some do not, so this will have to be customized in those cases.
        #raise dException.dException(_("No records deleted"))

    def flush(self, cursor):

    def getLimitWord(self):
        return "TOP"

    def formSQL(self, fieldClause, fromClause, joinClause,
                whereClause, groupByClause, orderByClause, limitClause):
        """MS SQL wants the limit clause before the field clause."""
        clauses =  (limitClause, fieldClause, fromClause, joinClause,
                    whereClause, groupByClause, orderByClause)
sql = "SELECT " + "\n".join( [clause for clause in clauses if clause] )
        return sql

    def getLastInsertID(self, cursor):
pyodbc does not populate the 'lastrowid' attribute of the cursor, so we
        need to get the newly-inserted PK ourselves.
# Use the AuxCursor so as not to disturb the contents of the primary data cursor.
            idVal = self.lastrowid
        except AttributeError:
            crs = cursor.AuxCursor
            crs.execute("select @@IDENTITY as newid")
            idVal = crs.getFieldVal("newid")
# Some interface versions return PK constraint values as Decimal type
        # what isn't well tolerated by Dabo.
        if "Decimal" in str(type(idVal)):
            idVal = int(idVal)
        return idVal

    def beginTransaction(self, cursor):

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