
I am trying to update dabo from version 0.9.3 to a newer one, currently
0.9.9 but 0.9.5 doesn't work neither.

The code that worked fine in version 0.9.3 and now creates the error is
the following:

tmpCursor               = self.Form.PrimaryBizobj.getTempCursor()

tmpCursor.execute("SELECT rechnung_position.name, preis, anzahl FROM
rechnung INNER JOIN rechnung_position ON rechnung.id=rechnung_id WHERE
re     chnung.id=%i ORDER BY position" %

ds_artikel              = tmpCursor.getDataSet()

Here the complete error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/max/projekte/kolibrill/dabo/dabo/ui/uiwx/dControlMixin.py", line
27, in _onWxHit
    self.raiseEvent(dEvents.Hit, evt, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/max/projekte/kolibrill/dabo/dabo/ui/uiwx/dPemMixin.py",
line 1074, in raiseEvent
    super(dPemMixin, self).raiseEvent(eventClass, nativeEvent, *args,
  File "/home/max/projekte/kolibrill/dabo/dabo/lib/eventMixin.py", line
81, in raiseEvent
  File "/tmp/tmpseTPdZ.py", line 4987, in onHit
    ds_artikel          = tmpCursor.getDataSet()
  File "/home/max/projekte/kolibrill/dabo/dabo/db/dCursorMixin.py", line
1397, in getDataSet
  File "/home/max/projekte/kolibrill/dabo/dabo/db/dCursorMixin.py", line
219, in _correctFieldTypesIfNeeded
    rec[fld_name] = _correctFieldType(rec[fld_name], fld_name)
  File "/home/max/projekte/kolibrill/dabo/dabo/db/dCursorMixin.py", line
278, in _correctFieldType
    return dec.quantize(Decimal("0.%s" % (scale * "0",)))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/decimal.py", line 2358, in quantize
    'quantize result has too many digits for current context')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/decimal.py", line 3778, in _raise_error
    raise error(explanation)
decimal.InvalidOperation: quantize result has too many digits for
current context

It somehow seems that the conversion of the database float-field "preis"
or the integer-field "anzahl" fails, but why? I use a mysql-backend if
that is important to know. 

Has anybody an idea what can cause my problem?

Thanks in advance


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