On Jun 4, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Ricardo Aráoz <ricar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i) Looking through the mails of this list I've found two uses of super
>    a) self.super()
>    b) super(MyDateTextBase, self).initProperties()
>    A couple of questions :
>            1) What is the difference? What's the different use of both?

        self.super() was a hack that was designed to make VFP developers a 
little more comfortable in Python. The second form is the correct way to call 
superclass behavior.

>            2) in b), is it really necessary to use it? I thought 
> initProperties() was a user's method.

        Generally, this should be strictly user-defined code, so it isn't 
necessary. It won't hurt, though.

> ii) And now the original question. I want to send a list to a panel when 
> instantiating it so that the panel will create a series of radio buttons one 
> for each item of the list. That is :
>        mypnl = pnlMyPanel(self, myListOfRadioButtons)
>        mySizer.append(mypnl)
>    So now I have a panel set with the appropriate radio buttons. So how do I 
> intercept the parameter (myListOfRadioButtons) and then let the rest of the 
> panel's initializing stuff get along? I was thinking of an __init__(self, 
> myList, *args, **kw): and then call super(pnlMyPanel, self).__init__(self, 
> *args, **kw). Would that be right? Is there a better way?

        Assuming that 'pnlMyPanel' is the *class* name, and not the instance 
name, yes, that would be correct. FWIW, class names are generally TitleCased in 

-- Ed Leafe

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