El 04/06/13 14:02, Ed Leafe escribió:
On Jun 4, 2013, at 11:41 AM, Ricardo Aráoz <ricar...@gmail.com> wrote:

And yes, it is the class name. I know about PEP8, but I'm exercising my "best 
judgement" as PEP8 recommends in it's second topic. ;c)
        Who cares about PEP8? ;-)


Sorryyyy.... I'll change them allllll.....  ;c)

As a future reference, this is what I'll be doing (I use bsBoxSizer to set common properties (color, font,...) in only one place.) :

class pnlPuertoSerial(dabo.ui.dPanel):

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

self.puertos = kwargs.pop('puertos', [])

super(pnlPuertoSerial, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

def afterInit(self):

self.Sizer = dabo.ui.dSizer('v')

hbs = bsBoxSizer(self, 'h', Caption=' Puerto serial ')

# TODO: iterate self.puertos and append radio buttons to the sizer


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