Try wrapping that data set creation call in a dabo.ui.callAfterInterval() 
instead of calling it immediately. And don't call ipdate() from inside a stack 
called by update() either. 


> On Oct 11, 2013, at 9:19 AM, John Fabiani <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm still dealing with the flashing issue.  To refresh everyone when adding 
> some data to a table a flashing starts on only some windows computers and the 
> problem goes away if a new profile is created. But it can return and there 
> does not seem to be an obvious cause.
> The users are reporting that it happens after adding data to a grid.  The 
> grid uses a dynamic DataSet  - set to a method call to retrieve data.  In the 
> method I retrieve data via a simple select statement.  But I have discovered 
> the method to retrieve data is called in excess of 31 times (stop counting).  
> Therefore, the grid.update() is being called a lot - something is wrong.
> I have every call to an "update()" enclosed in a dabo.ui.callAfter() which is 
> suppose to prevent multi-calls.  So is there a way to determine what (why) is 
> the root cause of all the update() calls? Of course my suspicion is there is 
> a loop happening and that is root cause of the flashing.
> below is the code for the grid.  Please note the update() method - is that 
> the wrong way to update the grid data?
> class RestitutionLineItemGrid(dabo.ui.dGrid):
>    def afterInit(self):
>        super(dabo.ui.dGrid, self).afterInit()
>        #self.super()
>        self.RegID = 'res_grid_id'
>        self.HeaderFontBold = True
>        self.MovableColumns = True
>        #self.DataSource = self.Form.getGlTransData()
>        self.DataSet = self.Form.getGlTransData()
>        self.addColumn(Name="dateid", Order=10, DataField="gltrans_date",
>                       DataType="string", Width=40, Caption="Date",
>                       Sortable=True, Searchable=False, Editable=False, 
> HorizontalAlignment = 'Center')
>        col = dabo.ui.dColumn(self, Name="amount", Order=20, 
> DataField="gltrans_amount",
>                              DataType="string", Caption="Amount Rec",
>                              Sortable=False, Searchable=False, Editable=True, 
> Expand=False, HorizontalAlignment = 'Center')
> ...
>    def update(self):
>        try:
>            self.DataSet = self.Form.getGlTransData()
>            #super(dabo.ui.dGrid, self).update()
>        except:
>            pass
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