Hi, working with DataNav. I have no problems with my app in Ubuntu, but I'm having some trouble with accented characters (e.g. "áéíóú") in windows. I think the problem is I'm doing something wrong but can't figure out what.

These are CRUD forms automatically generated by dabo. In the GrdBase object in "GrdCuenta.py" accents are shown correctly in the grid. In the PagEditBase object in "PagEditCuenta.py" I've modified a field's input control to this :
        ## Field Cuenta.CuentaId
        label = dabo.ui.dLabel(self, NameBase="lblCuentaId",
        objectRef = dabo.ui.dDropdownList(self, NameBase="CuentaId",
                                DataSource="Cuenta", DataField="CuentaId",
        objectRef.Choices, objectRef.Keys = self.Form.getMadres()

The getMadres() method in "FrmCuenta.py" goes :
    def getMadres(self):
        crs = self.getTempCursor()
        crs.execute("""select Id, Nombre
                            from Cuenta
                            order by Nombre""")
        ds = crs.getDataSet()

        Choices = ['No Tiene'] + [reg['Nombre'] for reg in ds]
        Keys = [None] + [reg['Id'] for reg in ds]

        return (Choices, Keys)

But there must be something wrong here because the dDropDownList shows a weird character instead of an "ó".
Using dShell I get
dDropDownList.Choices = ['No Tiene', 'Activo Corriente', 'Hijo Activ\xc3\xb3 1', 'Hijo activ\xc3\xb3 2', 'Nieto Activo 1 - 3', 'Nieto Activo 1-2', 'Nieto activo 1-1', 'Pasivo', 'Resultados']

Where you can see "\xc3\xb3" instead of an"ó". I am certain dabo is working ok (the grid displays fine) but I'm blundering it with unicode and stuff when using the TempCursor to get the Choices, and a pointer here wold be much appreciated.


P.S.: Just in case it might be relevan, my "cuenta" bizobj reads something like this :
        self.DataStructure = (
                ("Id", "I", True, "Cuenta", "Id"),
                ("Codigo", "C", False, "Cuenta", "Codigo"),
                ("CuentaId", "I", False, "Cuenta", "CuentaId"),
                ("Nombre", "C", False, "Cuenta", "Nombre"),
                ("Imputable", "I", False, "Cuenta", "Imputable"),
                ("Orden", "I", False, "Cuenta", "Orden"),
                ("EsImputable", "C", False, None, "EsImputable"),
                ("CtaMadre", "C", False, "Cta", "Nombre"),
        self.Encoding = "utf8"

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