On 02/06/2014 07:56 PM, Patrick Headley wrote:
I posted a message last night because the instructions on the dabo site don't 
work. Tonight I tried again by using the Linux specific instructions, which I 
found to be way outdated. I then found dabo on the github and checked it out 
using svn. Upon running setup.py, I still get the same errors as before. I 
cannot send you the exact error messages today but the first one is that the 
setuptools file is missing. After downloading the current version and then 
changing the name to the version that the setup application wants the 
installation seems to work. But then, when I try to run the demo, I get the 
error regarding no translation file.

Again, I would really like to try dabo, as I believe it could be the solution 
I'm looking for. Please fix it.


Sorry for the delay.

I would avoid setup.py and use a 'dabo.pth' with svn (I use to use svn but Dabo is now using Git-but I still use a 'pth' file).

I do recall that using ubuntu was a little different. But I know many have succeeded. I use openSUSE 12.3 and have installed it on openSUSE 13.1.

The locale issue has been around for a while (if memory serves it has something to do with python). Anyway, does your Dabo install have the 'locale' folder with the right language folder?

try below:
import locale

_defaultLanguage, _defaultEncoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()

tell us what is reported.

You can also debug the dLocalize.py and determine the issue.

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