hi all,

i'm a newbie in python and dabo, desperately needing help.

i have installed dabo on my windows xp with these component version:
- python 2.7.3
- wxPython 2.8.12 unicode + docs and demo
- Reportlab 3.0 for python 2.7
- PIL 1.1.7 for python 2.7; and
- setup tools setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7.exe and .egg
- database : MySQL 5.6.17
- connector : MySQL-python-1.2.4b4.win32-py2.7 
 dabo is running well and the demo also looking good.

now, i'm trying to build my own application.
however, i always gets an error when i try to add controls from data 
environment, and change the field type (ie. from text box to date box or edit 
box) via ClassDesigner.
everytime i try to change the field type, python will encounter a problem and 
forced to close.

any idea what causing this issue? is it a common issue or just me?

any help would be greatly appreciated.
many thanks,

Hans Sidharta

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