On Apr 10, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Hans Sidharta <han...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> however, i always gets an error when i try to add controls from data 
> environment, and change the field type (ie. from text box to date box or edit 
> box) via ClassDesigner.
> everytime i try to change the field type, python will encounter a problem and 
> forced to close.

I have seen this on Gtk before, but never Windows.

It seems to be a bug in wxPython, but I've never been able to trace it well 
enough to figure out where.

If you're stuck, do this: create it using the default control, and save it. 
Then manually edit the .cdxml file using any plain text editor. Find the entry 
for the control, and simply change its class. For example, if the XML looks 

<dButton Caption="Button" sizerInfo="{}" designerClass="controlMix"></dButton>

...and you want a dBitmapButton, just change the XML to:

<dBitmapButton Caption="Button" sizerInfo="{}" 

Now you can open the .cdxml file back up in the Class Designer, and you will 
see the corrected object.

-- Ed Leafe

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