On 02/06/2015 01:14 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
On 2/5/15 10:23 AM, john wrote:
Hi all,
makeGridEditor is a method in uiwx/__init__ - can anyone explain why
it's there?  It appears that it is called from only uiwx/dGrid.py when
setting up the dGrid test.  The way I understand to create a CellRederer
does not match the code in makeGridEditor.  I not saying I know
everything about CellRederers but to be honest I don't understand it.
There is no method clone, or draw.  I do not see where it inherits from
either PyGridCellRenderer or GridCellRenderer.

Does anyone use the makeGridEdior in their code?  I ask because I'd like
to remove it.

Once very long ago I had this vision to make VFP-like grids where you could populate them with dTextBoxes, dCheckboxes, dWhatevers, or your own subclasses of them.

I wanted to implement this, and then take away keyword args to dColumn that wouldn't be necessary anymore (data format, type, etc.) as well as functionality that dGrid could now just delegate to the control (getting/setting the Value, etc.).

makeGridEditor() got us 80% there. I tried a few times to get it into dGrid but people complained about some problems that it caused (can't remember now the specifics).

Alas, it's cruft now and so should be removed, unless people are relying on it (in theory they could use it how I describe above for their own classes).


Thanks for the info Paul. I left it in - but of course it does not work. To be honest I too don't see the need - wxPython provides a very rich set of cell renderers and for those few that need a special renderer it's not to hard to create.

Beyond the above, I could not determine how it worked - for example in the clone method you have '1/0' which of course will cause an error but clone is never called which was a complete surprise. The inheritance also work in some funny way that I did not understand. Of course it's moot at this point unless someone wants to revisit at a later time.


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